If you are student, you can get Amazon Student which is basically Prime but for half the price. Once you have Prime, you can then earn credits towards future purchases on Amazon by using their No Rush Delivery option. This means that you can earn free stuff from Amazon at no cost or effort from yourself.

Normally selecting the No Rush Delivery option gets you £1 of credit towards digital products.

earn amazon promotional credit

As of today however they are offering £1 credit off all qualifying purchases on Amazon.

This is a limited time offer however so it may go back to digital product credit at any time as the “intended” end date is showing as a date in the past as at the time of writing.

Obviously only you can decide if the delay is worth it for the credit, but if you regularly order items that you don’t need in a hurry the credit can soon add up. As far as I am aware, the items need to be sold and dispatched by Amazon to qualify, and also it seems like there is a minimum spend of £10 for your order to be eligible. You could of course break down any larger order into smaller orders to bulk up your qualifying rewards, as long as each order is worth £10 or more.

I have not used the promotion towards physical products, but you can check your promotional balance at any time by checking your account. I am sure this would apply to the physical products as well, just make sure that you spend any credit before the end of the promotional period (currently showing on Amazon that it is the end of June but I am sure this is possibly going to change).

Once the offer reverts back to the original digital products offer I will update the post – but in case I miss it, please make sure you check before making a purchase if it is based on this credit. In my opinion, it is a great way to be rewarded for your patience and for items which you don’t need urgently.

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