It’s a well known fact that money and mental health can go very closely together. Add this to the pressures of studying and possibly being away from home for the first time, it’s no surprise that student mental health is a real issue and more and more are struggling. Whatever your situation, there is no shame in asking for help, with either money or mental health.
Whether you are still living at home, finishing off at sixth form or college, or you are away from your parents and are now having to manage your money properly for the first time, it’s a steep learning curve. When I first left home and did a ‘budget’ I didn’t include council tax because I didn’t know it was a thing. Admittedly this was before the internet was used as widely as it is now, but that made a big dent in my so called budget.
Whatever is concerning you, reach out and get some help. That might be as simple as speaking to a trusted friend or relative about the issue, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that, the first thing to do is to check whether your college or university has a pastoral care or student advice centre, and ask them. They should be able to point you in the direction of someone who can help, but if not, there are loads of other places you can go for free and impartial advice and I am going to highlight just a few.

Mental Health Crisis
NHS – Call 111 or use their online tool to work out whether you need to be seen. They may signpost you to A&E or an emergency GP appointment if you are in crisis.
Samaritans – Call 116 123 at any time. Whatever you are going through, Samaritans are there for you 24/7 and are just a free phone call away.
Mind – they have a tool which is designed to help you understand and manage the situation you find yourself in.
Student Minds – an organisation focusing on the mental health of our students.
General Money Support
CAP UK – they are a leading UK debt charity who offer financial education as well as debt counselling.
Step Change – another of the UK’s leading debt charities, they offer free online debt advice.
Money Advice Service – an impartial money service set up by the Government.
Money Saving Expert – run by Martin Lewis this website is incredibly detailed and thorough about all things financial.